For Pharmacies
For Pharmacies
Over 2,500 Australian pharmacies have joined the PharmacyID network. Trusted by Australian Commonwealth, State and local government, companies and organisations, it is the most secure system of identity verification in Australia.
Easy to set up, learn and use, it enables pharmacists to:
- Establish a new revenue stream with no investment from the pharmacy business
- No membership or joining fees
- Enjoy increased foot traffic from consumers
- Retain a position of trust in the local community
- Participate in a national pharmacy network to provide identity services regardless of brand alliance or membership
Get Started
It’s easy to take advantage of the Pharmacy ID system.
PharmacyID supports pharmacies by building the referral network, public education campaigns to highlight the risks of identity theft and consumer marketing.
The PharmacyID platform will continue to introduce new applications and integrate new technology over time.
If you are interested in joining our network please call us on 03 9379 3383.
There is no cost to join the PharmacyID network. You will actually receive remuneration for Verification of Identity (VoI) checks that you do.
Payment for VoI services vary. Verifying people’s identities for Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks were the original checks and that fee will remain. We have, however, been able to increase fees for new and different services.
Payments will be made automatically on the first business day of each month directly into your account for checks that you have done throughout the month. This will be done via a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI).
Joining our network will create a strong and powerful Verification of Identity (VoI) service for consumers Australia wide. Apart from providing you with income for services that you currently provide for free, we will also be able to drive foot traffic into your pharmacy. The VoI service commenced with Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks, however, as VoI services are increasingly in demand for a variety of reasons, we expect more and more Australians to identify their local pharmacy as the ‘go to’ place for these VoI services. Also, new VoI services will attract higher remuneration.
Establishing a network of pharmacies in Australia is key to building a strong and robust national Verification of Identity service. VoI services commenced with witnessing identity documents for the purpose of completing Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checks. As VoI services are in increasing demand, there will be different services but the bedrock service you provide will remain. That is, verifying original I.D. documents against the documents online, and ensuring that the person presenting the documents is the owner of the documents. This is done by comparing the person to the photographs of the person online or on their identity document. The system is very intuitive and simple to use.
This service requires no additional hardware, and the pharmacy will only require internet access to complete the task. As the person has already paid for their check, once the pharmacist views the identity documents and ticks the relevant box, an invoice is automatically created, and the pharmacy is paid for all checks done in a monthly automatic payment. (N.b. This is called a Recipient Created Tax Invoice).
For some checks, any trusted employee who has completed the training can conduct identity verification. For other checks, especially for the Commonwealth government, the check may require a pharmacist to conduct the check. If a pharmacist is required to conduct a particular check, it will be very clear in the application that this is a requirement.
Yes, a training video is delivered via email to each individual providing the service. The system is very intuitive and walks you through the process step by step and is intuitive and extremely easy to use. A PharmacyID liaison staff member will deliver training over the phone should you desire.
PharmacyID also provide a pdf training guide. PharmacyID staff are available during business hours and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturday and Sunday. Please call us on 03 9379 3383.
Our support line is available Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm and 9.00am to 5.00pm on weekends on 03 9379 3383.